The Benefits of Having an Open Mind

Sara M
3 min readJul 4, 2024

Listen up!

Photo by Parabol | The Agile Meeting Toolbox on Unsplash

Having an open mind is something that people are always taught to do. However, I’ve noticed that when it comes to implementing this kind of mentality into real life, people seem to fall short to a certain extent.

No matter how much people seem to preach about tolerance and respecting differences in opinion, when it comes to real life they seem to make a million excuses and get offended quite easily.

How are we as a society supposed to move forward if we don’t allow different viewpoints to enter our mind and challenge our perspectives? How exactly are we supposed to elevate our minds to new heights when we force ourselves to stay stuck on the same old thoughts without ever even considering how someone else might interpret a situation or event differently than how we perceive things?

I feel that if people were aware of how much better life can become by allowing new viewpoints and perspectives into our daily lives, we would be more willing to expose ourselves to it, and often.

By no means am I saying that you must agree with everything you hear, but what I am saying is that you owe yourself a chance to at least hear a viewpoint different from your own that way you don’t possibly miss something along the way.



Sara M

Digital Marketer|Blogger|Freelance Writer #Mindfulness #Self-Improvement #Mentalhealth #MarTech #Entrepreneurship #DigitalMarketing #Technology #SaaS #AI