You Probably Need This More Than You Think

Sara M
3 min readJan 23, 2024
Svittlana from Getty Images on Canva Pro

I didn’t think I needed it but I REALLY did.

I realized that I was spending an unhealthy amount of time on my digital devices.

And to be honest, that’s a pretty toxic way to live.

But can you blame me? My mobile phone is a smartphone. It offers so much to me. I can check the news, get updates on my friends, call, text, check work emails, and so much more.

However, the reality is that I can do so much on this device that it has turned me into its slave.

I can’t live without it and I need it in front of me nearly the entire time from the moment I wake up till the moment I go to bed. This type of reliance is detrimental to anyone’s overall health and well-being.

Humans aren’t designed to have their noses in an electronic device for the majority of their day. We are designed to do things in a non-virtual way and appreciate the life and beauty right in front of us. Like smelling the roses, smiling at strangers, feeling the breeze, and embracing every aspect that life and “living” has to offer.

We could be so much more if we carved out time to live in the moment and gave ourselves the chance to enjoy every second to the fullest. If we didn’t constantly default to opening up some random app on our mobile device and didn’t…



Sara M

Digital Marketer|Blogger|Freelance Writer #Mindfulness #Self-Improvement #Mentalhealth #MarTech #Entrepreneurship #DigitalMarketing #Technology #SaaS #AI